1-Wire Chain-able Temp Sensor (DS28EA00)

PN: HTS-014 RevC

Regular price $19.00

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Chain-able Temperature Sensor (DS28EA00) 30 inches in length. IP67 rated connectors and cable configuration that allow Plug and Play connection.

  • Temp Probe 1 in chain requires cable SKU: HTC-007 to connect Ground and 1-Wire communication
  • The extension cable SKU: HTC-008 can be used a few different ways to create the temperature probe chain:
    • The extension cable can be connected between the HTC-007 and HTS-014 to extend the first cable run to a longer length.
    • The extension cable can be connected between 2 of the HTS-014 temperature probes to continue the chain.
    • Or the extensions can be connected together between 2 of the HTS-014 in order to make a longer length between 2 of the HTS-014 temperature probes.